No Rain, No Rainbow おっちょこ国際看護師


Going through CGFNS


NCLEX合格までには様々な過程を辿ります。これは州などによって求められる書類などが変わってくる為、必ず州の NCSBN(看護協会)にて条件を確認することをお勧めします。


私は日本の看護学校を卒業したためハワイ州では看護学校には通わずに”CGFNS”(the Commission on Graduates of Foreign Nursing Schools)を通過しなければなりせんでした。ここでは
2)看護師免許を保持すること の2つを証明しました。


また別の機会でHawaii board of nursing での手続きからNCLEXまでの道を掲載します。
Since I graduated a nursing school in Japan, I needed to go through CGFNS. In order to go through this, I asked my nursing school and the government department which issues the nursing license to fill out some papers and show that I own my license for sure to CGFNS,
I needed to have my school and government send documents directly to CGFNS, I needed to get some stamps and specific envelopes from Japan since I had already moved to Hawaii.
Even though all the documents were sent to CGFNS, there were some errors needed to be corrected in the documents. So I called them many times (They might hate me! But I don't care! It's important.) and make sure how things were going.
It took me a year to go through CGFNS. I was so happy that I finally got that my education and license were approved to take NCLEX.
I actually learned a lot from this, like being patient, always make sure what is going on by myself ( not rely on others too much), a courage to make a phone call in English ( actually it takes me a lot of courage to do so......still.) was really frustrating because of the time difference which made me harder to make a phone call and the government works really really really slow. ( It seemed like only one person worked there.)
In another article, I'm going to write about the process at Hawaii board of nursing to NCLEX.
No Rain, No rainbow