No Rain, No Rainbow おっちょこ国際看護師


After passing CGFNS


1) 指紋採取とcriminal check
In this article, I explain the process after passing CGFNS.
The main paths are
1)Taking fingerprints and criminal check
2)Submitting an application and payment
3)Deciding the test date
     2018年1月にCGFNS通過の連絡があってから初めての試験を受けたのは7月なので、その間約半年かかりました。CGFNSの通過はちょくちょくと自分のページを見て進捗状況を確認していました。通過後CGFNSとHawaii Board of nursingが書類をやりとりするということで、犯罪履歴などがないか調べるため、指紋を取りに行きそれからboard of nursing のウェブサイトから印刷したテストの応募用紙に必要事項を記載。書類の処理費用であろう$40持参し(現金のみの受付でした。)Board of nursing を訪ね、書類を提出、支払い。
   この記事を書く際に再度Application&Requirement を読むと新しくNCLEXに3回落ちた場合は次のテストを受ける前に州規定のコースのようなものを受験することが義務化されているようです。
     I was told that I had passed CGFNS in Feb 2018. I took my first NCLEX in July 2018, so it means that it took me almost half a year. After receiving the message that I had passes CGFNS, I was told that CGFNS would send my documents to the Hawaii board of nursing. I read the application and regulation form and I needed to be taken my fingerprints. After that, I went to the office to submit my application, and I paid $40 in cash. (Not sure about other states, but it was kind of funny that they only accept cash!) I read the Application & requirement again in order to write this article, and I found out that we'll be required to take a course after failing NCLEX 3 times. This is a huge change. These regulations will be changed by some political influence, so I really recommend to check the most up-to-date.

いざ、応募用紙を提出したもののなかなか承認されず1か月ほどたちboard of nursing に電話するが”CGFNSの書類にアクセス出来る職員が限られてるからまだ書類を見ることができない。”と返事、催促するも何の連絡もなし。1週間後に再度電話。同じ理由を伝えられ1週間以内にすると伝えられるも音沙汰なし。再度一週間後に連絡をし上の方の人が電話に代わり謝罪を受けその3日後に書類を受け取りました。
     After submitting the application, I wasn't able to get any response from the Board of nursing. I called them, and I found out that they hadn't reviewed my documents from CGFNS. Their excuse was that only a certain person can open the file from CGFNS. I asked him to review it. However, I couldn't get any response from them after a week. I called them again, and a worker told me the same thing. I asked him again, but I was told the same excuse. Finally, I could talk with a person who had higher status and then I got the notice of approval.
     After going through this experience, I learned that
1)Don't wait. Take action. If nothing happens, that is my responsibility.
2)When I need to call, I prepare what I need to ask beforehand. Ask the speaker's name and keep in the record. ( If needed, send an e-mail as proof)
その後Pearson VUEというテストを行なっている会社にも自分のページを作り、試験費用$200支払い日にちをウェブ上で決めます。日本の看護師国家試験は1年に一度ですが、こちらはパソコンでテストを受けるので時間と席さえ合えばいつでも受験できます。すると数日後にATT(Authorization of test)がメールで試験時の注意事項とともに送付されます。試験日は開始時間24時間前まで変更可能でした。
      After receiving the notice of approval for Nclex, I made my own page at Pearson VUE which holds NCLEX. I paid $200 and decided the date of the date. We only have nursing national exam only once a year in Japan. On the other hand, we can decide our date for the exam in the US if they still have an open seat. This is because we take an exam on the computer. I received ATT (Authorization of test) a couple of days later via e-mail. The exam date is changeable 24 hours before the exam.
Thank you for reading this article!
No Rain, No Rainbow.