No Rain, No Rainbow おっちょこ国際看護師


Skype group chatting vol.1


4月8日に第一弾スカイプグループチャットを開催させて頂きました。一人でも参加していただけたらと思っていましたが、当日は4人の方に参加して頂きました (実際にアメリカで正看護師の免許をとるために手続きを始めている方、少し興味のある日本人看護師さん、そして医療通訳の学生さん) 。今回、日本からは東京と沖縄、またアメリカからはカリフォルニアとハワイから参加して頂きました。皆様予定を調節して下さりありがとうございました。約1時間半の通話の中、それぞれの自己紹介を含め 、CGFNSのプロセスを主として医療英語の勉強法 などについても少し話をしました。もう少し皆さんがどんなふうに実際勉強しているかに関して話をしたかったとの感想も頂いたので次回は勉強法について主に話していければと思っています。

We had our very first group chatting via Skype. I was hoping that that'd be nice if I had only one participant. However, four people joined me. What a pleasure!!!!!( Some of them are already started their process of CGFNS, a Japanese nurse who lives in the US and is interested in getting RN license, and medical translator student) They participated from Okinawa and Tokyo, Japan and California and Hawaii, the US. I appreciate that all of you adjusted your time for this. We had almost one and half hour conversation. In this conversation, we mainly talked about CGFNS process since we had two people who already started applying for CGFNS. We also talked about how to study medical terms. I'm hoping that we can dig into how others actually study med terms next time. 

新しい発見としては 、日本にも英語が第一言語として使われている病院で働くことができる、医療通訳学生さんの通われている学校のカリキュラムがかなり充実しているということでした。(私自身そんな講義を受けてみたかった。自分で医療英語特に英会話を勉強しようと思って教科書やコースなどいろいろ調べましたがツールが本当に少ないです。特にアメリカにいる場合は日本の教材が非常に手に入りにくい。)

For me, I was surprised that we have a hospital in Japan which the main language used in the hospital is English, and courses for medical translator seems very sufficient. ( I wish I could be in those classes. I tried to find some good textbooks or classes for conversations which are commonly exchanged in the hospital setting. However, it was almost none and it's hard to get when we are out of Japan.)


We were also able to talk about some difficulties that we have faced during the process of CGFNS. I sometimes couldn't get the idea out of my brain that what if I didn't even pass the CGFNS. It always seemed so long to finally finish. I knew that I needed to study for NCLEX, but the more it took time, the less I could focus on my study. ( I actually applied for medical report translator, I was asked to translate tons of research and regretted it. Or I tried to find a way to become a translator in Hawaii) I also told myself that I shouldn't go back to Japan without achieving anything since my parents didn't agree with what I was going to do. One good thing was I could go back to work as a nurse in Japan as soon as possible and make money for a living if I needed to do so.


My journey to get an RN license was always unexpected. I asked many questions to a person who helped me to get some idea for the first place, but she got hers a long time ago in a different state so I needed to research by myself by asking local students or CGFNS, Board of nursing directly. When I look back, I see myself always being in trouble, upset or confused. I don't believe that we can solve all the problems that we are having or stop being worried only by this Skype chatting. I'm happy if one of you don't feel like doing this only by yourself and realize that somebody has gone through this, and there is no reason that you cannot be the ONE in the future. This is the place to share not only information but also your feelings. I'm planning to have a Skype chat in June. I hope many people would join.


参加された方からのコメント(Comments from participants)

”医療、看護という分野で海外を視野に入れ頑張っている仲間ができた。(I could make friends who are trying hard to get their goals in medical and nursing field.)” ”今後も情報や勉強方法をシェアしていきたい。(I want to share information and study tools more)””一人で勉強するのは心細かったから皆さんの話を聞けて良かった(I felt lonely, so I was happy to get to know others.)””次回も楽しみにしています。( I can't wait for the next time)”