No Rain, No Rainbow おっちょこ国際看護師





I have been asked which English exam we should study for such as TOEFL, TOEIC or IELTS.


 If nurse who were educated outside of the US, states may ask you the score of these exams. Some of them are tired of hearing this, but I have to say that it really depends on states, so make sure you ask the board of nursing. I assumed that they ask TOEFL score, some states do ask IELTS score. ( Never assumed! Today's lesson.) I though IELTS was accepted in UK or Australia. However, it seems like the US is accepting this.



IELTS academicとIELTS General training の2種類あります。ここも要注意!!!!!州がどちらのスコアを要求しているかしっかり確認しましょう。

I literally had no idea about IELTS, so I checked the official website. There are two different types of IELTS. One is academic, and the other is general training. Please make sure that which IELTS the state ask for you. 


 When a foreigner nurse submits the score of TOEFL, the total score and especially the score of the speaking section are checked. I was curious about how the speaking test will be taken place, so I did some research. It seems like a test taker will talk with an examiner face to face. In the beginning, an examiner may ask some personal questions and then move on to specific topics.


I try to get my speaking skill on TOEFL and practice every day, but this is pretty hard. The hardest part is to come up with an idea and opinion with great reasoning.



400点ほど?とにかくlisteningの量の多さに圧倒され途中、意識を失い、いけないいけないと集中力を取り戻すもまた意識喪失。途中からはあ〜〜いつ終わんねんと肘をついてぼ〜っとしてた。ハワイのESL(English as a second language) の学校でTOEICのクラスを受講しました。そうするとなんだハワイで暮らしているうちに自然と身についていた’生活で使う英語’みたいなもんが沢山出てくるし、listening力も毎日ラジオ聞いたり、Podcast聞いたりしたのが功を奏したのがほぼ満点近く取れるように。

I took the TOEIC exam when I was a college student. To be honest, my score was around 400 as I remember.....I was so overwhelmed by the amount of the listening section. I almost passed out...When I was taking an ESL course in Hawaii, I took the TOEIC prep course. As I live in Hawaii, English which we need for daily life was gained naturally, and because I listened to the radio and podcasts almost every day, I was able to get almost full score.


 I recommend considering taking a test that matches your purpose of taking the test.