No Rain, No Rainbow おっちょこ国際看護師


キャンプ at northshore



週末に友人たちとノースショアでキャンプ。今回は去年もお世話になったcamp mokuleiaで。(前日に電話して代金(一人$10)を払って、契約書にサインしてメールで送って予約完了。ここは今んところ満員になったところに出くわしたことないけど、他のサイトは週末いっぱいだったりします。

 I went camping with my friends on the north shore. We went camp mokuleia where we did camping last year too. I made a phone call and reservation just the day before.I have never be able to book this site, but other camping sites were pretty much full over the weekend. 


On this day, my friends' friend visited from Slovakia, so we drove along the east side to the north side. We ate free macadamia nuts and shrimps and finally got to the site. Then we started building our tents and prepared dinner. The beach is a couple feet away from the site, so we sat to the beach and watched how the color of the sky changed as the sun sets.

キャンプの好きなところは、手軽だけどウチから離れて、携帯とかパソコンとかからも離れて、友人たちと喋ったり食べたりしながらゆっくーり時間を過ごせるところ。サンセットからサンライズもビーチの側で拝めちゃうし、なんといっても星空が綺麗。流れ星も見えるし月の加減によっては天の川も見える(見えてる気がする?) 波の音聞きながら寝れるのも最高。

 What I like about camping is feeling my time goes slow which I can't feel when I'm at home. (Always tons of things to do...) Just talking and eating. I also love watching starts and tried to find shooting stars. I think I saw the milky way a couple times so far. ( I believe that's the one...) I can't get enough listening sounds of waves while I'm sleeping too. 


I can't wait for my next camp even though I haven't planned yet...