No Rain, No Rainbow おっちょこ国際看護師


お守りのススメ Keeping your fortune item.



When I moved to Hawaii, I wasn't that motivated and confident to become a nurse in the US. I had self-doubt whether I really could do this. I had had this feeling until I passed the NCLEX. I want to introduce one thing that helped me through this tough time.

まずお守り的な存在のある”記事”について書きたいと思います。ハワイに着いて英語もペラペラだった訳ではなく(今ペラペラです!とは言い難いです。いつか言える日が来るのだろうか。。。)カフェでコーヒーを注文するのも毎回緊張していたそんな時、ふと手に取ったフリーマガジンに日本人の女性でNP(nurse practitioner 処方が可能な上級ナース)として活躍されている方の記事を目にしました。

There was one article that I kept in my textbook all the time. I saw that article at a cafe when I just came to Hawaii. At the time, I was even nervous to order a simple "latte" because I wasn't good at speaking English very well at the time, maybe still….(They might ask what kind of milk I want! I mean how come you have tons of different kinds of milk here? haha) Anyway, one Japanese NP was on that article.


I was so moved and encouraged by reading this article. She is working as NP not only she took RN license. I took the magazine, and kept the article and put on the back of my textbook. I always read it when I felt I couldn't do this.


The hardest thing that I had was to keep me being motivated. I tried to get to know myself and think " Who makes me motivated when I'm around them?"
"What makes me happy?" " Which food makes me happy?" "Which words or quotes encourage me?"


A person who knows and has some tools to keep him/her motivated is resilient when he/she is under pressure or stressed out. It's also important for "nurses" who would get stress physically, emotionally and spiritually to have ' a safety net'.

Thank you so much for reading this article. No rain, No rainbow.