今月も定期購読しているAJN(American Journal of Nursing)から気になった記事と考えたことを少し。記事の中に’Addressing Implicit Bias in Nursing’という題の記事が。その中でよく出てくる’Stigma’の意味がいまいち掴めず調べると、
I was so interested in one article in this month of AJN. The title was "Addressing implicit bias in nursing.' The word stigma was often used in this article, and I didn't understand the meaning even though I researched in the English dictionary, so I did on the Japanese dictionary.
A lot of people from different countries live in Hawai'i. We have some stereotype for each nationality. Even we say 'Japanese', our background differs. Some of them were born and grew up in Japan and came here for their work or marriage. Others are born and raised in Hawai'i, and their parents are Japanese, and they have only been to Japan for short time of period....etc We say ' He/She is local (person) ', but who is really local?
In this article, it says that us, medical professionals, may have bias depends on their experience or stereotype they have even if it's unconscious. Especially, a statement which says that minorities tend to receive a low quality of healthcare caught my eye. I am often told that they expect me to advocate Japanese patient and I want to be so.
When I was studying for NCLEX, I was amazed that there are some questions about different race. I think it is very important to know that we do have a different thought and attitude towards healthcare or some specific group of people tend to suffer certain disease. That's the fact and necessary to understand the whole. However, I think that's not all, we need to see who they are. As this was written in this article, it is very important to think about how I see about a certain group of people and experience that I had with them because now I am part of this melting pot.
Thanks to all my friends who have a different background. I've been learning that we are different but same.