No Rain, No Rainbow おっちょこ国際看護師






 Today is the last day of June in Hawaii. I transferred my blog site from WordPress to Hatena. I got 1000PV this month! I can't thank enough for all of you for your support.


I had a second skype meeting with my peers. After that, we opened up the group chat in order to exchange information effectively and widely. I think it's a great improvement. I haven't posted any articles on my blog a couple weeks since I've been busy taking care of managing my health. I started posting about med terms on Instagram. I want to finish up some articles which stay as drafts. I prefer to put English translation because it helps me to improve my ability to express an idea in Engish. It actually takes time, but as I continue, I will be better. 



*TOEFLのspeaking or writingを'bestmytest'を利用し毎日一問を課す。10日ほど達成。

時折医療系podcast を聴いたり、ボランティアの病院で学んだことの復習を。

 As a medical study, I read 70 pages of Pharmacology textbook, and I have done TOEFL practice questions for speaking 10 times. Addition to that, I listened to the podcast and reviewed what I learned during volunteer work.

反省としてはTOEFLのオンライン講座(Bsetmytest 3ヶ月分購入)を使い切れなかったこと。かなり量が膨大で数ヶ月集中してTOEFLのみの勉強に取り掛かる、もしくは1年くらいかけてゆっくり準備するのにはいいかも。リスニングを録音してすぐに文字で起こしてくれたのは良かった。TOEFLは就業前には一度受験しておきたいと思ってるので、来月はとりあえずSpeakingを集中で。色々とYoutubeサイトを探すもこれが使いやすそうなので、毎日question1つを目標に。(日々の目標は小さく、小さく)7月には


I regret that I couldn't make the most of online course for TOEFL. It holds so much practice tests and lectures, so it'll be useful when I focus on just studying TOEFL for a couple month or take it slowly over a year or so. I thought that the dictation function was pretty useful. I want to try TOEFL before starting working as a nurse, so I'll focus on just speaking section next month by using Youtube channel. 


TOEFL Speaking Practice Test 1


看護の勉強の仕方も現在模索中。はっきり言って何を今勉強すべきなのかわからない。Primary careに関わらせてもらっているので、そっち方面でまずは知識をつけたいところだからそこからかな。refresher courseもまだ有益な情報が集まらず。とにかく教科書を読むことよりも、医療英語の耳を鍛えた方がいいとのアドバイスを頂いたので、Podcast(Reach MD、Med geeks、American Family Physicianなど新しいPodcastを発見したので)を1日1つのエピソードを聴くのと、 (の年間unlimited ($50)を購入。ここから一つコースを選び一つ受講を7月の勉強計画にしようかと。

I sometimes totally lost what I should study 'NOW' for nursing. This is because I have absolutely no idea which department I will work. I'm now in the primary care field, so I think it will be good to have knowledge of that. I was advised that it's better to practice listening rather than reading skill, so I will listen to one episode of the podcast every day and take an online course by using

まあこんなに計画立てたとしても、体調崩したり、やる気を失ったり、家族や友人と時間を過ごしたりするのも大事だったりして上手いこといかないかもしれないけど、そん時はそん時でlesson learnedとして次へ繋げていくのみ! 

 I always make a plan, but it won't go like I expected....Life happens. Just learn a lesson and move on!

No Rain, No Rainbow.