No Rain, No Rainbow おっちょこ国際看護師












そんな時にふと’Pod cast’があるやんって。

自分もハワイに来てpod cast のヘビーユーザーになった。

特に’The Nurse Keith show'や’Your next shift’を聴いて、どんだけ励まされたかわからない。

Podcast だったらいろんな人のいろんな経験をいつでもどこでも何回でも聞くことができる。忙しい人だって、家事しながらとか、隙間時間に片手間でできることがある。



I'm super duper excited right now!!!

大きなテーマは ’看護×国際’。






 I've been thinking about what I can do recently.

I got my Hawaii state RN license in 2019 and started doing peer support. 

I posted on Instagram and opened up this blog. I also created the chatting group for Japanese nurses who are going through the same path as me. It's been a year since I hosted the very first skype meeting with those.

I have met many nurses I admire so much and they shared their story with me. I always think it's such a waste that only I get to hear all of these. Their stories should be heard by more people.

I talked with two nursing students the other day. They told me that they wish they had more opportunities to listen to the experience that nurses had.

I strongly agreed with them and their words kept coming back to me.

'Hey, what can I do to change this?'

I was asked a couple times if I want to become a Youtuber but I just don't have a gut to do.

However, I could be a host of the podcast!

I became a heavy user of the podcast since I came to Hawaii. I have no idea how much I was encouraged by listening to 'Your next shift', ' The nurse Keith show' or other shows.

Many busy people can listen to a podcast while they are doing other things such as cooking or commuting.

I'm now gathering things I need to know to start my own show.

I even found my partner who is willing to contribute to do this together!

The big theme is 'Nursing × International'. It won't be limited to it but will be expanded more from here. I'm hoping that we can share the fact that nurses have so much opportunity and many nurses have been shifted to their next level even they face difficulties. I already set the eyes on some nurses that I want to interview.

Let's spread this into the world!