No Rain, No Rainbow おっちょこ国際看護師









 It got so serious about this stay-home-order in Hawaii. We are not allowed to go to beaches, famous hiking spots, and parks. ( We can still walk on the beach or go into the water.) I witnessed that some young people got tickets for lying on the beach. These tickets cost like from a couple hundred dollars to a thousand dollars. If we don't follow what the police say, they can put us in jail. 


 買い物に行くと時間帯によって割と人もいるけど、’social distance'を保つようにレジ近くには線が引いてある。お米とかパスタ類とかは棚から忽然と消えた。日系や韓国系のスーパーでは割と品揃えが何故かいい。流通はあるみたいだから、新鮮な野菜とかも手に入るし、食べ物に困ることはなさそう。(今のところ)


There are even lines that we should follow by the cashier to keep the social distance. I don't have any problem with buying veggies and fruits but rice and pasta are gone.....Somehow, we are able to get more things in Korean or Japanese grocery stores. 


 I don't usually see people wear masks in here but now many people wear masks or put a towel around their faces. Even when we walk around the neighborhood, people keep distance from each other. We would get stared at if we sneeze or cough....

ガソリンスタンドでも一人一人使ったあとに、手が触れるとこ全部拭いてくれる人がいたのにもびっくり。高速道路にある電子蛍光板にも’STAY HOME'って書いてある。バスの後ろの電子蛍光板にも’WASH HANDS’とか。

I was surprised that they placed people to wipe down wherever people would touch at a gas station. I saw the 'STAY HOME' or 'WASH HANDS' sign over the highway or back of the bus.



 So many people lost their job since Hawaii is supported by tourism. The governor announced that the state would do something for those who are unemployed however it seems like the system is already overwhelmed.  We have some support like if we buy foods at some specific place then we get a discount. I heard over the radio that the YMCA will give free foods for kids.


 I wasn't sure if I was gonna keep my job hunting. I talked with my partner and decided to stop it for now. Nurses have the ability to do something in those emergency situations. For now, I really want my workplace to be safe and protected. I don't feel like I'm ready to dive into due to all the circumstances. 


 My opinion and way of thinking have been changing as the situation that surrounds us changes. I can't quite position myself between not freaking out and not to become too optimistic. I just want to make the best decision for myself and my partner.