No Rain, No Rainbow おっちょこ国際看護師




ハワイのとある映画館では毎年この季節になるとジブリ映画が公開される。今年はスケジュールも合い、Spirited Away(千と千尋の神隠し)とHowl's moving castleを観賞。久しぶりに見たこともあってか、自分が大人に?なってか色々と思うところが。

In this summer season, we get to watch some Ghibli movies in the theater. This year my schedule worked and I watched 'Spirited Away' and 'Howl's moving castle'. It's been a while since I watched these movies the last time and maybe I have grown since then, I thought about many things.


Especially in Howl's moving castle, what Sophie said about working at a hat shop gave me a great impression. She said that she works there because that's her father's shop and she is the oldest. ( I really understand what feels like being an oldest.)


When my friend told me that he was going to take a master course in a foreign country, I envied him and told that I could never do it. He asked me,' why not?' I told him that my parents or grandparents wouldn't allow me to do it.


A couple years later, I decided to go to the United States. I told what I was thinking to my parents, but it was so hard for them to understand. I get what they think. I was just out being a student and started working. Especially my dad was used to work in different countries, so he knew how hard to make a living in a foreign country. I couldn't change my mind, so I quit my job and came here without getting any allowance by them.


I believe that was my turning point. People said things. Some of them supported me, some didn't. It was heartbreaking that my family didn't agree with what I want to do. However, that was the moment that I chose my life for myself, not by what others think. 


After watching the movie, I asked my partner if Sophie was free from the magic that she was on. He said he thought that it's not about she was not on the magic anymore but how she feels about herself; self-esteem. She believed Howl, and she also believed her who believed Howl. I think we can learn a lot from her who started being honest with herself.