No Rain, No Rainbow おっちょこ国際看護師






最近は大切な友人たちの誕生日が続いてて、ラッキーなことにみんなの誕生日会に参加出来て一緒に祝えて、改めて海外に住んで誕生日を祝える友人たちがいることに感謝やなーって。ハワイって本当に人の出入りが激しくて、特に語学学生時代は数ヶ月とか数週間という短期で来る人もいれば、年単位で暮らしていたとしても帰ってしまう人もいます。語学学校に1年以上滞在して来るとだんだんお局さん化。。。学校で仕事をしていたのもあってかあいつに聞けばなんでも答えてくれるぜ的な空気が流れ、ありとあらゆる相談や話を持ちかけられたり。笑 (一番安いガスステーションを聞かれた時には。。。。。。)

 I have been to my friend's birthday party often. I was lucky to spend and celebrate their birthday together. I also thanked my friends since it's not easy to make friends and keep relationships. Hawaii is an interesting place, people come and go quite often. The duration of staying for students who go to a school varies. Sometimes it lasts over a year but a couple weeks. I stayed at the language school over two years and I became one of students who seem to stay there forever. Especially, I worked in the school, some students thought that I knew everything. I was shocked that one student asked me the cheapest gas station. hahaha


 Making friends is easy and difficult. I was used to hanging out with anybody who I talked to. However, I changed depends on how long they are going to stay in Hawaii because I didn't like to say goodbye so many times. Once, my partner told me to hang out with only who will live in Hawaii after my good friends left.  That factor may be an important part of the relationship, but friendship won't be built like that. I need to have good vibes between them, common hobbies, share similar experiences, agree with how they feel and think. Of course, it takes time and effort to build a good relationship so whenever I find someone who could be a good friend, I need to have a gut to ask them out!


 My friend told me how important to have own community. I was used to hanging out with people who are friends of my partner, but now I have my 'own friends' ( He is always more than welcome to be included, for sure.) I like the culture that we could bring our boyfriends, kids, and family members whenever we have a party or something. I also need to spend my time only with my own friends. We need a safe place to share without caring others. We all have something needed to be shared and encourage each other to live our life after all.


 I gave it a thought to friendship this time. It has been raining so hard in Hawaii. It's the rainbow season. Actually, after starting living in Hawaii, I had this time that I wasn't attracted to rainbows so much. When I looked back at the time, I feel that I didn't have much fun but was more disappointed with the difference from what I had expected. It has a lot to do with making friends too. On the other hand, now I have so many friends to meet but no time (sometimes). I really appreciate that!