No Rain, No Rainbow おっちょこ国際看護師






 Today is the last day of June in Hawaii. I transferred my blog site from WordPress to Hatena. I got 1000PV this month! I can't thank enough for all of you for your support.


I had a second skype meeting with my peers. After that, we opened up the group chat in order to exchange information effectively and widely. I think it's a great improvement. I haven't posted any articles on my blog a couple weeks since I've been busy taking care of managing my health. I started posting about med terms on Instagram. I want to finish up some articles which stay as drafts. I prefer to put English translation because it helps me to improve my ability to express an idea in Engish. It actually takes time, but as I continue, I will be better. 



*TOEFLのspeaking or writingを'bestmytest'を利用し毎日一問を課す。10日ほど達成。

時折医療系podcast を聴いたり、ボランティアの病院で学んだことの復習を。

 As a medical study, I read 70 pages of Pharmacology textbook, and I have done TOEFL practice questions for speaking 10 times. Addition to that, I listened to the podcast and reviewed what I learned during volunteer work.

反省としてはTOEFLのオンライン講座(Bsetmytest 3ヶ月分購入)を使い切れなかったこと。かなり量が膨大で数ヶ月集中してTOEFLのみの勉強に取り掛かる、もしくは1年くらいかけてゆっくり準備するのにはいいかも。リスニングを録音してすぐに文字で起こしてくれたのは良かった。TOEFLは就業前には一度受験しておきたいと思ってるので、来月はとりあえずSpeakingを集中で。色々とYoutubeサイトを探すもこれが使いやすそうなので、毎日question1つを目標に。(日々の目標は小さく、小さく)7月には


I regret that I couldn't make the most of online course for TOEFL. It holds so much practice tests and lectures, so it'll be useful when I focus on just studying TOEFL for a couple month or take it slowly over a year or so. I thought that the dictation function was pretty useful. I want to try TOEFL before starting working as a nurse, so I'll focus on just speaking section next month by using Youtube channel. 


TOEFL Speaking Practice Test 1


看護の勉強の仕方も現在模索中。はっきり言って何を今勉強すべきなのかわからない。Primary careに関わらせてもらっているので、そっち方面でまずは知識をつけたいところだからそこからかな。refresher courseもまだ有益な情報が集まらず。とにかく教科書を読むことよりも、医療英語の耳を鍛えた方がいいとのアドバイスを頂いたので、Podcast(Reach MD、Med geeks、American Family Physicianなど新しいPodcastを発見したので)を1日1つのエピソードを聴くのと、 (の年間unlimited ($50)を購入。ここから一つコースを選び一つ受講を7月の勉強計画にしようかと。

I sometimes totally lost what I should study 'NOW' for nursing. This is because I have absolutely no idea which department I will work. I'm now in the primary care field, so I think it will be good to have knowledge of that. I was advised that it's better to practice listening rather than reading skill, so I will listen to one episode of the podcast every day and take an online course by using

まあこんなに計画立てたとしても、体調崩したり、やる気を失ったり、家族や友人と時間を過ごしたりするのも大事だったりして上手いこといかないかもしれないけど、そん時はそん時でlesson learnedとして次へ繋げていくのみ! 

 I always make a plan, but it won't go like I expected....Life happens. Just learn a lesson and move on!

No Rain, No Rainbow.


第2回 スカイプグループチャット








  1. CGFNSの公式サイトと州の看護協会の公式サイトに関する再認識
  2. CGFNSで求められる書類(高校や中学の卒業証明や公証人によるサイン。)
  3. NCLEXの勉強に使用している教材やサイトやYouTube
  4. NCLEXの問題傾向
  6. アメリカ現地での病院ボランティアの様子
  7. 州免許のトランスファーの仕方(州同士の組合が存在する!)
  8. アメリカ看護師の給料やシフト事情
  9. どうやってモチベーションを上げているか(インスタグラムの活用など)












 I had an orientation for my volunteer position at the hospital the other day. Students are about to go on summer vacation in Hawaii and a lot of students apply for the volunteer position, so it looks like a little busy around this time. I'm surprised that hospitals even stopped accepting volunteers temporarily due to the overflow. I have seen high school students and college students who are interested in the medical field applied for this position. Maybe it just benefits them when they apply for a college. But  I still think this is a good opportunity. Students could see workplaces that they are interested in, it makes them think if that's what they really want to do in the future. I met this high school student who faced the patient's death at the hospital and he told me that he didn't want to go to that floor because he was scared. I'm not sure how that experience affected him. However, it got me thinking that being in the clinical settings in early age might prevent them from being burned out when they face the reality of the medical field.

オリエンテーションの内容は事前に配布された要項に関する復習とネームカードの作成とsign-in/outの方法。守秘義務(confidentiality)やemergency codeの説明などなど約2時間にわたりました。

 We reviewed papers that have already sent to us before the orientation, and we were taught how to sign-in/out and made the name card. We learned about confidentiality, emergency codes, and so on for about two hours.


ハワイの病院いいなあと思うのは、働いてる人が笑顔。オリエンテーションしてる横を通りかかる人たちが笑いかけてくれる、挨拶してくれるっていうのはなかなか日本では得られない経験。そして多くの病院でボランティアがすごく受け入れられ、尊重されています。いつも来てくれてありがとうと言われるし、どこも毎年のように感謝ランチョンが開催されるし、ギフトもある。(今回はすでに終わってしまっていたのですが、ちゃっかりおこぼれ頂きました。早速その日から使う。) あとはカフェである一定まで無料で食べれたり。それが楽しみだったりする。

I love to see people who work in the hospital smile at us even when we are doing our orientation. I hardly ever experienced people I didn't know smiled at me in Japan. Furthermore, volunteers are accepted and receive respect. I was almost always thanked by other workers! They even have luncheon and gifts for us. We, volunteer, also receive some benefits like a discount for lunch. 


Of course, I can't do the work like how nurses do when I work as a volunteer. I didn't like the feeling that I couldn't do what I am capable of doing. I even strongly felt that 'I'm a foreigner'. However, those feelings motivated me to get my nursing license. There are so many good things being a volunteer such as getting to know people who are working in the hospital, getting advice for NCLEX, and helping Japanese tourists as a translator. I also realize the important thing that we, medical professionals, can focus on our duty because somebody is doing this tedious stuff like a stocking. I want to lead this opportunity to my actual nurse position. I'll do my best!!!!

Thank you for reading this article. 

No rain, No rainbow.






I looked for an internship, but I couldn't find it. Then, I applied for a volunteer position at a local hospital. I had an interview over the phone the other day, and it was way serious interview than I expected. I was not prepared, so I was sweating a lot. Maybe I was saved by doing over the phone not a face to face.









 The interviewer asked me below questions

1)Why I applied for a volunteer position.

2)How I describe about myself by using three adjectives.

3) What was the most difficulty I have ever had.

4) What was the best achievement ever.

5) If I understand the policy of the hospital and how I can carry it out

6) If I have ever done any volunteer job 




The most difficult question was "What is your uniqueness?". I thought I shouldn't be quiet on the phone, so I kept saying,'Let me think...' or 'This is a really difficult question.' while my brain was fully working to come up with a good idea. By the time the interview was done, I was so exhausted.


電話で話すのにだいぶ慣れてきたので、( 慣れるまでは電話が本当に嫌で、どうすれば電話せずに済むかをよく考えてた。笑)今は要件だけに答えたりするのではなくコミュニケーションをはかるように気をつけてます。気をつけてるポイントは

1) 話している人の名前を聞き取り、'こんにちは、〇〇さん'と始める(英語での名前難しいです。聞き取るのも覚えるのも。なので出来た時だけ。)

2) '時間を作ってくれてありがとう'や'助けてくれてありがとう'と伝える。


I got used to talking over the phone, so now I'm trying to have some chats not only asking what I need to know. Here are some points that I'm careful

1) Get the name of the speaker and starts with, "Hello, *****(person's name)" (This is really hard so when I can.)

2) Say 'Thank you for making time.' or 'Thank you for your help.'

3) Say 'Nice to talk to you.' at the end of the conversation.




These things are really easy to do in Japanese but hard in English. I believe that these small things make the person happy and let them think THEY WANT TO HELP ME. I think I make people irritated because of my poor English and I ask them back the same thing many times. I don't want to get a disadvantage just because of my poor English.




I just can't stop going hiking since I came to Hawaii. I even set the goal to do 52 times in a year. Why am I so into this? 


 I tried many kinds of activities such as surfing or snorkeling. I have fun doing those things but just can't do them regularly. On the other hand, I almost never stopped going hiking. Actually, going hiking helps me keep my mental status especially when I was going for getting my nursing license. My partner asks me when I'm not in a good mood, 'When was the last time that you went hiking?'


I wanted to dig into more and thought about going hiking mimics the path when I'm trying to achieve something big. When I do it, I usually pick the route which is a bit physically challenging. I walk almost 3 hours to 6 or 7hours when it takes. I like the route it has climbing parts not only walking a flat path.


When it's hard, I stop walking, get thirsty and hungry. I sometimes even think going back to my car. Especially I'm on the trail that I've never done, I don't even know how much more I need to walk to get to the goal or if this is the right way or not. You want to see the outstanding view of Hawaii? All you can do is just walk, step by step. ( taking a rest time to time) By walking the trails, I kept telling myself that I would get there someday if I didn't stop walking. 


 It's also fun to walk with my friends and dogs in nature. I become honest with my feelings, and I could say that I'm scared, worried or tired. By doing so, all the negative things leave my body as sweat or words. Then, I eat and sleep good and I get back to my 'daily tasks'.


 How do you charge your energy?








I wasn't interested in working as a nurse before. Then, why I went to nursing school? I wanted to be a school nurse. I told that to my teacher, and he suggested three different major that I could choose. Those were psychology, education or nursing. He also told me that nursing is really tough, so I'd better go to one school which had famous for its education program. However, I really didn't want to go to that school. Then, somehow I choose to go to nursing school. I hoped I could spend my whole life in Kyushu (southern part of Japan), so I was trying to get to one university in Kyushu. However, I found out that I needed to go to a master course to complete all the classes that I need to become a school nurse. I didn't want to go to school for another 6 years, so I decided to go to a different school which is located in the Kansai area.



I took some classes that I needed to get to become a school nurse. I put so much work on because we were gonna be relocated to take all the nursing classes. I was so scared to walk in the campus where most of the students already had gone home.


看護というものが学問であり、看護技術などが研究され理論のもとに成り立つことが面白かったけど、看護師として働くことにはさらさら興味なし。将来、養護教諭として働くときに役立つようにと塾で勉強を教えたり、NPO法人で不登校の子と時間を過ごしたりする居場所で 働いていたりしました。

I had no interest in working as a nurse even though I find it interesting that nursing is science and nursing techniques are researched and based on theory. I choose the jobs that I could use when I became a school nurse such as tutoring students or working at NPO which provided the place for kids who skipped to go to school.



I was advised to work for at least three years in clinical settings before starting working as a school nurse. However, I really didn't want to work as a nurse, so I totally lost what I should do after my graduation. I tried to get in the master course, and I also got the license for a psychiatric social worker. (Maybe because of these, I almost wasn't able to get my nursing license.......My test result was not so good, just above the passing line...) Then, suddenly thought that I needed to make money. ( I didn't have enough money since I went to trip a lot.) I decided to receive an interview at the hospital that I did my training as a student. An interviewer asked me why I was receiving an interview so late of the year. That made me nervous....



 I wanted to work at gynecology because I was told nice things during my clinical training. Simple or stupid. Nobody really applied for gynecology, so I got in easily.




This is how I got to start working as a nurse, so I was asked my ideal nurse on Instagram and couldn't think of anything. Of course, I have some general idea like don't harm patients, having accurate medical knowledge, or respect patients and their family members.



I still have my dream of involving in education. In order to do that, I want to get experience in clinical settings. I was able to get an RN license in the united states, I want also help Japanese nurses and nursing students so that they do an internship or learn medical English.




I believe nurses have an unlimited possibility not only working at hospitals. We have medical knowledge, sometimes we can be a counselor or educator, and coordinator. I've been recently seen some nurses run their business. I was told by my friend that ' I cannot do what you do. I can't take care of others.' There is a huge gap between what I think what nurses are and others do. I'm hoping that people realize that people who have different personality and ability can play a role in the nursing world.





そこで考えたのですが、きっとモチベーションが下がるのは夢と今の自分の現実レベルとのギャップが大きすぎることによる自分に対する” disappointment"によるんではないかと。自分に対する自信のなさや、本当に出来るんだろうかと言う疑いがモチベーションの低下に繋がるのではないかと。



そこでその本の著者は”毎日必ず達成できる目標をたてて成功させること。そして自分に対してFeeling goodになる。それが積み重なる中で知らないうちにそのbig dreamに到達している。”と続けます。





”Atomic Habit”という本に書いてあったのでこれを採用しようと思ったのは、

  • 毎日のタスクはなるべく小さく。必ず毎日達成できるようなものに。(薬学の本を毎日5ページだけ読む。TOEFLのリーディングまたはスピーキングの問題を一問だけ)
  • 今日は気分がいいからもう少しやれるーというのはしない。決めた分だけこなす。
  • 一日空けてもいいが、2日連続でやらない日を作らない。






Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones (English Edition)

Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones (English Edition)