No Rain, No Rainbow おっちょこ国際看護師






I looked for an internship, but I couldn't find it. Then, I applied for a volunteer position at a local hospital. I had an interview over the phone the other day, and it was way serious interview than I expected. I was not prepared, so I was sweating a lot. Maybe I was saved by doing over the phone not a face to face.









 The interviewer asked me below questions

1)Why I applied for a volunteer position.

2)How I describe about myself by using three adjectives.

3) What was the most difficulty I have ever had.

4) What was the best achievement ever.

5) If I understand the policy of the hospital and how I can carry it out

6) If I have ever done any volunteer job 




The most difficult question was "What is your uniqueness?". I thought I shouldn't be quiet on the phone, so I kept saying,'Let me think...' or 'This is a really difficult question.' while my brain was fully working to come up with a good idea. By the time the interview was done, I was so exhausted.


電話で話すのにだいぶ慣れてきたので、( 慣れるまでは電話が本当に嫌で、どうすれば電話せずに済むかをよく考えてた。笑)今は要件だけに答えたりするのではなくコミュニケーションをはかるように気をつけてます。気をつけてるポイントは

1) 話している人の名前を聞き取り、'こんにちは、〇〇さん'と始める(英語での名前難しいです。聞き取るのも覚えるのも。なので出来た時だけ。)

2) '時間を作ってくれてありがとう'や'助けてくれてありがとう'と伝える。


I got used to talking over the phone, so now I'm trying to have some chats not only asking what I need to know. Here are some points that I'm careful

1) Get the name of the speaker and starts with, "Hello, *****(person's name)" (This is really hard so when I can.)

2) Say 'Thank you for making time.' or 'Thank you for your help.'

3) Say 'Nice to talk to you.' at the end of the conversation.




These things are really easy to do in Japanese but hard in English. I believe that these small things make the person happy and let them think THEY WANT TO HELP ME. I think I make people irritated because of my poor English and I ask them back the same thing many times. I don't want to get a disadvantage just because of my poor English.