No Rain, No Rainbow おっちょこ国際看護師






I sometimes ( or always..) face difficulty as I live in outside of Japan.


例えば先日車の点検の為にディーラーショップへ。なかなかビックなトラックを運転しているのですが(パートナーの趣味。)ディーラーショップに入る途端に怪訝な顔で’誰かに用?’なんて聞かれちゃう訳です。そこは’What can I help you?'ちゃうんかい。と内心で思う。ここで高い車買ってんぞ(パートナが。笑)確かに私がそんな車を買えそうな人には見えなかったのかもしれませんが。。。。でもこっちは緊張してるんです!一人で車のこともよー知らんと問題あったなんて言われたらどうすんねんと若干ビビりながらでも来てるんです。日本語ならまだしも英語やぞ!と思いながら来てるんです。(こっちが勝手に住んでるんですが。。。笑)

  I went to a dealer shop the other day. I drive a huge truck ( not my truck but my partner's). As soon as I entered the shop, a lady saw my face in a suspicious way and said 'Are you here to meet somebody?'. I said this just in my head, 'Aren't you supposed to say what can you help?' Maybe I wasn't looked like I could afford an expensive car. I was a little bit nervous since I was there for inspection and if I found out any issues I wasn't sure if I could understand an explanation. 

優しいおっちゃんが気づいてくれて、こっちだよーと誘導してくれました。一安心。インスペクションも終わり、レポートを読むと特に問題なさそうだったけど、念のために口頭で確認もしとこうと車を持ってきてくれたヤングボーイに’Is there anything I need to know?' と聞くと’ Just take it” と素っ気なく返される。。。。。まじかー。なんか一言申そうかと思ったけど、ムッチャ若そうやし、アルバイトだし初めての仕事かもしれないからしょうがないか。レポートは問題なさそうだし。だと優しさ溢れる妄想のもとディーラーショップを後にしました。

 A kind guy realized that I was confused and guided me to the right place to go. After the inspection, I read a report and it seemed no problem at all. However, I wanted to make sure so I asked a young boy who brought my car that if there were any issues or not. And he said to me' Just take it.' Really??????That what you have to say? I wanted to say something to him, but I didn't. I just thought that it might be his first job that he ever had because he looked really young.I just left without saying anything.


 I went back to my place and talked about it to my partner. He said that I should have talked to the manager about a young guy's attitude since we paid a huge amount of money for them. People in Hawaii are usually very very nice. I also thought it's my problem because I was so accustomed to customer service in Japan. We have the saying that Customers are gods in Japan. Those things happen, but most of the case I can't say anything or I don't say anything and think maybe my expectations are too high...? Hawaii is part of the United States too, and there is a culture of saying what we want to say( of course how to say matters too) I always feel these things are so difficult.



I'm not saying that I got discriminated.I even feel lucky to live Hawai'i where has huge diversity. However, I don't want to be taken an advantage or anything like that just because I'm Asian woman. So that I want to have confidence and also be better in
