No Rain, No Rainbow おっちょこ国際看護師


ハワイに来てお世話になっているものたち 7選



 車社会のハワイ。ペーパードライバーだった私も免許をこっちで取り直しました。その当時1年ほどハワイで運転していたにも関わらず実技試験は2回落ちた。3回目で受かった時は満点合格で試験管になんで前落ちたの?’って聞かれて内心、落ちたんじゃないの、あんた達に落とされたのって思った。何回かは必ず、あとおばさん試験管だと落ちるという噂。あとDMV(department of motor vehicles) はとにかく混んでることが有名で、予約して試験受けようならば3か月は余裕で予約待ち。DMVに行かないといけない時はかなり心の準備と暇つぶし物品を持参する必要があります。

I was a paper driver in Japan, but I got the driver's license here. Somehow it's so famous that everybody would fail the technical test for a couple times, and I wasn't the exception. When I passed on my third trial by the perfect score, the examiner asked me why I failed the last time. I thought it wasn't me but one of you made me fail to myself. It also famous for its crowdedness. If you want to make an appointment, you'd better wait for three months. I just hate going there......



The Hydro Flask. I take this pretty much wherever I go. I bring it to travel and put some water at a hotel or Starbucks. I didn't drink water so often when I was in Japan but I started drinking a lot of water since I came to Hawaii. Otherwise, I would be dried up.





This app is like the hotpepper. It happens that I get served dishes which I couldn't imagine just by reading a menu, so It's very useful that I can see pictures of dishes. 




We could get various discounts on this App. I was especially satisfied with Chiropractic treatment. It offers discounts for restaurants and activities.



This is a discount shop too. My partner usually buys his clothing here. ( Not like I'm forcing him to buy here...just to make sure.) I usually get slippers and sneakers here.

6) amazon prime


I can't thank enough for Amazon prime. We, Hawaii resident, have to pay for the extra shipping fee because we live such an isolated place...but now we don't have to pay for extra! I started ordering daily needs. Save time for other stuff.

7)facebook marketplace


We have gotten SUP board, surfboards, dryer, air fryer by using the Facebook marketplace. Other than this site, Vivi nabi and Craigslist are also useful sites in some cases.