No Rain, No Rainbow おっちょこ国際看護師





I hardly studied this month. However, I've done some new things such as horse back riding, bicycling at north shore and bouldering, so I want to tell about these.


乗馬はジュラシックパークの撮影にも使われたKualoa Ranchにて。2時間コースを前もって予約。人気スポットの一つだから当日にはなかなか難しいそうな。開始時間にギリギリに到着した私たちは早口で説明を受ける。7割くらいしか聞き取れない。こんなんで日本人観光客が理解できるのかー!と少し憤慨していたけど、事前にいろんな国の言葉でビデオ説明が行われている様子を目撃。ただ単に私たちがギリギリすぎただけ。(汗)馬ちゃんは結構立ち止まったり、草食べ出したりするから自分たちで誘導が必要。絶景の中をゆったり2時間散策。案内してくれた人が少し不機嫌で、でも私たちがハワイに住んでるって分かった瞬間、写真撮ってくれたり優しく色々話しかけてくれたんやけどその態度の変わりように少し残念やなあと。安くないお金払ってるし、ここにくる多くの観光客にとっては一生に一度くらいの貴重な体験やのになあ。馬ちゃんは可愛かった。カナダから仕入れているらしく、躾もされトレイルを教えるのみらしい。賢い。


We visited Kualoa Ranch which was used as a shooting location for the famous Jurassic Park. We booked ahead of time since this is the popular touring location. We barely made it on time and received some directions. She spoke so fast that I couldn't understand 30% or so. I wondered if tourists who don't speak English would understand, and I  was a little upset about it. It turned out that they had videos that were spoken with different languages. It's just for us being late. My bad. Horses stopped walking or started eating some weeds so we needed to lead them by ourselves. The person who guided us was a little moody. After she found out that we live in Hawai'i, she changed her attitude and started being nice to us. I was a little shocked by it. I knew that a lot of tourists paid so much money to come here and experience this one time in their life event. By the way, the horses are so sweet. I learned that they were trained in Canada and come here.


次にサイクリング。ロードバイクを持ってるのでノースショアまで車に乗せて運んだ。その時はTurtle Bay resort にステイケーションしたので滞在中はホテルに預かってもらう。ホテルからHaleiwa town までを往復。計24mile。だいたい30kmくらいかな。

もちろん途中でShave Ice食べたり、AcaiBowl 食べたりお昼食べたりしながら休み休み。ロードバイクに乗ってるとあまり水をたくさん運べないからビーチとかで補充しながら進む。いつもは車でかっ飛ばしちゃうような道を自転車で行くとへーこんなもんあったんやってものを沢山発見。頭がスーパーキノコみたいになってるのはご了承下さい。

The next event was cycling. We own road bicycles and brought them to our hotel. Yes. We did a staycation. We stayed at turtle bay resort and they kept bicycles for us while we stayed there. We departed from the hotel and went to Haleiwa town. It takes 24miles. We stopped by some places to eat something cold because we needed to cool down our bodies. It's hard to take tons of water with us, so we also stopped by the beaches and refilled water. It was very fascinating to find out new things about this place because I usually don't realize it when I drive my car.




 The final is bouldering. My partner found that there is only one place that we can try bouldering in Oahu. One day pass was $19, and additionally, we rented shoes and calk which is used to prevent spreading infection on our hands. A guy provided us some equipment and rules of the gym. He also taught us the right way of falling down. I feel like I used my shoulder blades so much. We stayed for about 2 hours. It's fun to stop and think about how to climb since I don't usually think during doing some other exercises. I also liked that I felt good after reaching the top.



My partner and I both chase our own career, so sometimes it's so hard to find time to do something together. We could enjoy doing things together this month so I'm pretty happy about it! Oahu island is such a small island (It's smaller than Tokyo!) but still so many things to do!