No Rain, No Rainbow おっちょこ国際看護師






I have talked with people who are on different stages of nursing. I wonder people started thinking about their future since they have much more free time due to stay-home-order.  I gave it thought a lot of what happened to me by talking with them and wanted to share some here.


Everybody who reached out to me, Thank YOU!!! I appreciate that you made time to have a conversation with me. I hope you will contact me whenever you feel like talking to me. I'm here for you.



勉強のモチベーションはどうやってキープ? How to keep my motivation?


I usually keep my motivation by aiming to get a certification. (I didn't study much before starting studying for ACLS.)

英語でいうとTOEFLやIELTSの試験に向けて勉強することを勧める。英語を勉強する目的別に挑戦できる試験や資格を選ぶべきだと思うけど、TOEFLやIELTSはWriting, Reading, Listening, Speaking の4項目を勉強しないといけないから英語の総合力が上がることは間違いない。

I recommend taking TOEFL or IELTS if you want to study English. You still need to think about what kind of English ability you want to gain though. Both TOEFL and IELTS require you to study writing, reading, listening and speaking so I promise your English level is lifted up by studying for those tests.


I know that these exams cost a lot even buying a textbook. However, I always believe the more you invest, the more you commit. PAY for the exam, RIGHT NOW.  Otherwise, you won't take the exam forever unless you really need one. haha



After setting the date of the exam, I normally make a 'study schedule'. I can't always follow the schedule that I made in the first place but it's okay to adjust time to time. Don't forget to reward yourself after getting some done.


とにかく決断すること(自分の責任で)You have to decide what you want to do on your responsibility.

私も色んな場面で迷いに迷った。養護教諭になりたいと思って看護学部に入ったけど養護教諭の実習やってなんか違うなってなったし、大学院行こうかなあと思って研究内容も割と決まって院も受かったけど、受かってからやっぱ今は違うかなと思って土壇場で病院に就職することに決めたし。笑 決めなくちゃいけない土壇場まで迷っていいと私は思ってる。いろんな人に話を聞いてその度に分からなくなったりもしたけど、決めなくちゃいけないポイントに来たら、何はともあれ’決断’する。自分の責任で。誰がこういったからとかじゃなくて自分の理由を自分で決めて、決めたら飛び込んでみる。少し経って、あの時こうして良かったって思える。てか思える理由を探す。(後付け笑)

 People may think I always know what I want but that's not true. I got into nursing school because I wanted to be a school nurse. I felt it's not for me when I was done with my clinical training for a school nurse.  I thought at some point that I wanted to proceed to a master course. Here we come, I thought it's not what I wanted to do after receiving approval for entering the master course. Then I suddenly decided to work in a hospital. I think it's totally okay not to know what you really want to do. I always winged when I hear people talk about their stories how they got into where they are. The important thing is that you decide on your own responsibility and own reason when the time comes not like somebody said so. And act on it. You will thank the past of yourself later. Or more like talking into yourself that was the best decision that you made.


 どんな能力が海外で必要とされる? What kind of ability should we have if we want to succeed in foreign countries?

今ハワイ州で就活しているけど、最低限急性期で働いた経験があった方がいいと思う。願わくばICUとかでも。アメリカは日本みたいな新卒生ゴールドカードはあまり期待出来ないってよく言われるけど(特にハワイ州。。。。)研修医制度に似た’看護師研修プログラム’があって(倍率は高いと思うけど)給料もらえながら研修できる'Residency Program' も。


I think it's better to have an experience that you have worked in acute settings as I go through my job hunting. People often say we don't have 'golden pass' here like we do in Japan. (Especially Hawaii state........:( ) We have 'residency program' for new grad. Getting into residency program is even competitive but I think it's worth the try!



It's a good idea to work in a hospital close to the airport if you seek an opportunity to use English at work.  I heard that foreigners may go there.


I believe that you will get a basic idea of how nurses think clinically once you get into the clinical settings. It won't be so different anywhere you work. Just need to adjust to regulations or protocols which each hospital has. I also think that asking help is one of the abilities we better have.




Announcing what you are up to also makes a big difference too! I got some work or needed info through people who know what I'm doing. Making tons of connections is not so important but having people who evaluate what you do matters. Of course, you have to make an effort to make it happen.




最低3年’看護師で働くべき? Why three years?



I left my previous workplace after one year and a couple of months. I'm getting to understand that the length of being a nurse doesn't always relevant to knowledge or nursing techniques.  Each workplace requires us to have different techniques and knowledge. It also depends on each person whether they make time or effort to enhance their abilities. 

If you are tied to the idea of being in clinical settings at least three years or so even though you think your time for a next step has come, you can modify your way of thinking. What's this for? You or others? 

I believe that not only working as a nurse but also leaving and doing other things make you a better nurse.



自分で自分の一番のサポーター、アドボケーターになるYOU are the best supporter and advocator for you.



 I received disagreement when I started sharing what I was gonna do. I got hurt. I do understand they worry and care about me. I appreciate that.  However, I do know what I want and hope that they will understand and support me to chase 'my' happiness.

I learned to become my own best supporter and advocator.

You may think a dream chaser seems to be so bright and confident. I think they are more vulnerable and insecure than you think. Some people say things and we get hurt. I don't think we should cut those relationships totally out but we can use time and distance to protect our heart. Find somebody who supports you and who you can support back.



 結婚、子育てとキャリア Marriage, being a paret, and having a career



We, girls. can't finish our conversation without talking about this, how to keep relationships and career, I think. It has been a big subject to consider throughout my life. I want to keep a good relationship with my partner, have a kid (hopefully kids), and have my career!!!!!! I may be wanting too much? I get that things don't go as planned. However, sharing what you are thinking is very important because guys usually don't notice that we give it a thought about this subject a lot. Maybe it's hard for them to understand (I hope they at least try) why we are like this. We can't expect them to understand if we don't share and if how you think changes then share it again. 




I wrote a kind of long article this time. This is how I think NOW based on what I experienced. People may perceive differently. I'm hoping this will make any difference even small.